Aplicación del Método de Hanlon en la priorización de riesgos y daños para la salud

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R. Alvarado-García
E. Cruz-Narciso
C. Hernández-López
G. Olmos-Rivera
M. Sánchez-Fragoso
J. Sánchez-Méndez
M.E. Trujillo-Ramírez
L. González-Juárez
E.G. Pérez-Hernández
E. Canela-Núñez
R. Serrano-Agüeros


In the Health Jurisdiction Ecatepec, a risk and  damage workshop health was carried out which used the Hanlon method in order prioritize the possible damage and give the attention through the multidisciplinary staff and the Public Health  Nursing speciality student. The number of participants in the workshop were 48 from health Municipality Centers, DIF, CONALEP, whom were trained about the features and how to use Hanlon method. The statistical information was given to do the respective calculation.

The result of prioritize were ordered from the highest to the lowest score: diabetes mellitus type 2, Pneumonia  and influenza, heart illness, malign tumors, accidents, agressions and suicides, liver sickness, AIDS, renal insufficiency.

Because the first 4 causes had been studied before. It was determined that the cause to be intervened will be accidents, agressions and suicides

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