Factors related to safety and quality of attention in hospitalized pediatric patients

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J. Barrientos-Sánchez
M. Hernández-Zavala
R.A. Zárate-Grajales


Introduction: The attention provided to users of health systems can often end up in adverse events (AE) due to intrinsic or extrinsic system factors.

Objective: To analyze factors related to safety and quality of attention in hospitalized pediatric patients using an adverse-events reporting system.

Method: This is a study derived from a multicentric, transversal, and prospective project. Observation unit: All reported adverse events on hospitalized children aged 0 – 18 at the National Institute of Health of the City of Mexico, from June 2014 to July 2015. The SYREC instrument was used for the report. A statistic descriptive analysis and variable comparison through Chi squared and Fisher exact test was performed.

Results: 173 adverse events were registered, 55% of these on males, higher occurrence <1 year (43%), in critical areas 60%. The main events were: unprogrammed intubation (16%), UPP (14%), phlebitis (10%), lesions (9%), burns (8%), medication-related (6%). System factors (39%) were related to distraction, overload, lack of communication, lack of ability, supervision. Extrinsic factors (35%) were related to monitoring, therapeutic handling. Intrinsic factors (26%) were related to the clinic condition of the patient. Conclusions: Safety and quality of attention to hospitalized pediatric patients is often affected by diverse system factors, thus, nursing professionals should be aware of potential impacts to address them correspondingly.

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