Percepción de empleadores sobre el Licenciado en Enfermería de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza

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S. Crespo-Knopfler
M.S. González-Velázquez
M.T. Cuamatzi-Peña
L. Domínguez-Villanueva
L.I. González-Nila


Introduction: The world is currently facing a situation of greater trade and economic competition among countries, thus creating a need to respond to the demands that this situation requires. This research allowed us to identify the views of employers on training and performance of the graduate degree in nursing. Objectives: To determine the views of employers on the profile of Bachelor of Nursing and identify areas where there is a need to strengthen their training and facilitating their employability. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, and cross prolectivo where we used a questionnaire to employers in the health sector; scored based on the Likert scale. To capture and development of the database was used statistical program SPSS version 11.5. Results: 43.5% of employers describe the job  performance of licensed as very good, 93% of employers consider it very important to strengthen skills in decision-making, 86% in techniques and teamwork, 81.5% in general knowledge process and nurses, 79% in expertise, 76.8% and 58.2% in research in basic knowledge in biomedical sciences, and social behavior. Conclusions: The employers felt that the degree of job performance is very good and are satisfied with the expertise, however, emphasize deeper into the same, as well as strengthen the ability in decision-making skills, teamwork, general knowledge, implementation of the process nurses and nursing theories and models.

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