Nursing rehabilitation interventions on a patient with hip prothesis as consequence of a giant cell tumor
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Nursing assistance in rehabilitation has as principal objectives to help the patient reach his/her maximum independence according to his/her capabilities, to promote the self-care through orientation and training of situations that allow him/ her re-integrate to his/her social and familial lives in the best possible form and with quality. Because of that in patients with total hip prothesis nursing has an important paper to achieve autonomy in the activities of the daily life (ADL).
Objective: to show the role of the professional of nursing with specialization in rehabilitation of patients with hip prothesis.
Methodology: the selected case corresponds to a person with total hip prothesis because of a giant cells tumor; the assessment was performed through an interview using a guide, this was completed with the physical exploration and the use of the scales of: Daniels, Tinetti, Lawton, Barthel and the Visual Analogous. Nursing diagnostics were performed with the PES format, and interventions specialized in rehabilitation were proposed.
Results: The principal problem was the impairment of the physical mobility of the left hip; and because of this, interventions such as applying of thermotherapy, joint movement, strengthening exercises, equilibrium exercises, gait exercises, use of gait devices, among others. As a result of the interventions of nursing in rehabilitation muscle strength augmented which directly influenced in the gait and in the daily life activities.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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