Level of engagement in university professors: An exploratory focus

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I. Araújo
R. Esteves


Objective: To estimate the level of engagement of a group of university professors teaching subjects of the health area in a private high-level education school in northern Portugal. The analyzed domains were vigor, dedication, and involvement in the professional activity.

Method: This is an exploratory, descriptive, and transversal study framed in the quantitative paradigm. Ninety nine professors participated. A structured questionnaire with social, demo- graphic, and professional variables, along with the Ultrech Work Engagement Scale, was used. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 20. Statistical analysis program included a des- criptive analysis and a second phase, were processed with parametric and nonparametric tests for a significance level of 0.05.

Results: Findings reveal that these professors showed high levels of vigor, dedication, and involvement-particularly of dedication.

Conclusions: These professors are engaged as they are physically, cognitively, and emotionally involved with their professional activities; and this is translated into a positive indicator for their education organization.

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