Self-management behavior predictors among persons with chronic diseases in Tamaulipas
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Introduction: Considering the priority regarding the attention of non transmissible diseases, the World Health Organization proposed the Chronic Care Model which, by encompassing self-management as one main element, is intended to address these diseases.
Objective: To identify predictor variables related to behavior on self-management among patients with Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, and Obesity.
Methods: The intentional and non probabilistic simple included 386 patients from the Health Secretariat in Tamaulipas, Mexico (Ciudad Victoria and Tampico). The study design was non experimental and transversal.
Results: About half (42.2%) of the participants with Chronic Non Transmissible diseases referred having depressive disorder ranging from mild to severe. Regarding the BMI, 33.2% showed overweight. Moreover, 36.8% perceived some degree of family dysfunction. A Multiple Linear Regression was calculated. The model indicated that there were seven predictors of the behavior on self-management (explained variance R 2 =.325); being self-efficacy the most important (β=38), and perceived social support the lowest in load (β=.10). Conclusions: These predictors represent important elements to consider when building on the knowledge and understanding the behavior related to self-management, an area which is highlighted in the Chronic Care Model of the World Health Organization, particularly within nursing.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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