El autocuidado en mujeres posmenopáusicas con exceso en la nutrición
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Mexico is considered the second most obese country in the world, and unfortunately more of our women are dying as a result of related nutritional chronic illnesses. Because of this, prevention becomes an important issue as it as been outlined in the Orem model. Purpose: to determine the influence of basic conditioning factors on self-care capacities and actions in women between 45 and 60 years old. Methodology: Correlational design with a sample of 142 rural community women. Results: consistent with self-care deficit theories, it was found that ability (and thus knowledge) mediates nutritional self-care actions (statistical validity r = 0.869; p = .000). Discussion and conclusion: the findings resemble those of other similar theory-evidence based nursing studies; therefore we conclude that nursing interventions should strengthen women’s self-care thrusting abilities.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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