Nursing consultancy for developing self-care capacities: A community health approach
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Introduction: Nursing consultancy (NC) is considered a component of advanced practice; this activity demonstrates professional leadership and empowerment. The purpose of the consultancy is to address the health needs of both healthy and ill individuals, with a focus on primary healthcare, enabling them to develop self-care capacities on both an individual and collective level.
Development: A proposal was made to implement nursing consultancy through interprofessional work, from the perspective of advanced practice. Four dimensions of care were considered: 1) sexuality and reproduction, 2) care of children and adolescents, 3) adult care, and 4) elderly care. The NC developed is linked to teaching, research, and social service (SS) within the institution. Faculty members, students, and SS graduates actively participate in the program, providing primary care to the university community and external populations, either in-person or through tele-nursing.
Conclusions: The professional practice of nursing through consultancy allows for the expansion of roles and the development of advanced practice skills, which strengthens the discipline’s visibility and, consequently, changes the social perception of the profession.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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