Kolcaba Theory: A proposal to caring Chilean children with cancer
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Introduction: Wellbeing is an objective which has been present in nursing care since the beginnings of the discipline. Nursing has the responsibility of delivering the best possible care, based on humanistic scientific knowledge and the use of theories emerging from the discipline itself. Among these, the medium range theories can be highlighted because of their application potential. One of these is the Theory of Kolcaba, which has been utilized in diverse health related contexts. The following article has the objective of presenting a proposal on the application of the Theory of Kolcaba to address the care of children with cancer in pediatric units in Chile.
Development: An analysis was carried out on the constructs structuring the Kolcaba Theory, articulating them with evidence and integrating them into the context of pediatric patients with cancer and their families, and the health teams.
Conclusion: A proposal of application of the Theory of Kolcaba on pediatric patients with cancer is presented, acknowledging that this theory allows the delivery of holistic care to these patients and their families.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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