Family response to the revelation of the sexual orientation, from the discourse of homosexual men
Main Article Content
Introduction: Homosexuality represents a deviation from the social norms established by a sectorial society which imposes having a mandatory heterosexual pattern. Because of this, having a different sexual orientation implies facing prejudices which have diverse impacts on the family environment.
Objective: To know the response of the family environment towards the revelation of the sexual orientation from the perspective of homosexual males.
Methods: This is a qualitative and descriptive study with theoretical sampling and key informing, which used semi-structured interviews and observations on five homosexual males from the city of Puebla, Mexico, whose ages ranged from 19 to 36 years old.
Results: The findings clustered around a central category: the family response towards having a homosexual member, from which three subcategories emerged: family beliefs, family conflict, and the loss of the heterosexual normativity, reflected by multiple codes classified in the five stages of the process of a loss proposed by Kübler-Ross.
Discussion: The family responses towards homosexuality are dynamic and framed by a denial process which eventually can lead to the acceptance.
Conclusions: The family responses towards having a member being homosexual are multiple; thus, an understanding of these responses can help nurses and other health professionals to plan activities and strategies aimed at addressing the process of the family loss of the heterosexual normativity.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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