Self-perception on self-care capacity in preventing noncommunicable chronic diseases among university students
Main Article Content
Introduction: The incidence of non-communicable chronic diseases among younger populations is on the rise. Self-perception of self-care capacity is a beginning point to develop abilities and skills to address the own care.
Objective: To identify the level of self-perception of self-capacity to prevent non-communicable chronic diseases among newly enrolled university students in order to establish strategies which convey a better understanding of this population’s health.
Methods: This is a quantitative, descriptive, transversal, and analytic study which used a random sample gathered by finite populations calculation. The Identification instrument on the capacity of self-care regarding chronic-degenerative diseases, sexual-reproductive health, and addiction prevention was administered. A descriptive and analytic analysis calculating parametric and non-parametric tests was carried out.
Results: Self-perception on self-capacity showed to be very good in 8% of the sample, good in 54%, fair in 36%, and poor in 2%. The differences between the knowledge level and the self-perception level were significant (p=0.025). Students enrolled in Medicine had the highest mean score.
Discussion: The main results of this study reflect agreement with other studies assessing the dimension of self-perception; nevertheless, a clear gap between perceived self-care and performed self-care, still remains.
Conclusions: It is necessary to promote healthy lifestyles among university students in order to enhance their health self-perception and consequent self-care.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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