Primary care nursing process in a study on a family with a senior adult
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In this study the primary care nursing process was applied in a study on a family of Santiago de Chile with a senior adult. The need for this study arose from the suspicion of maltreatment against the head of this family-a situation which was identified by a nursing professional during a health monitoring performed on this person. The nursing process began with the data collection through a review of the digital card of the index case. Then, a home visit was conducted to assess the family and its environment, analyzing the type of family, the development tasks, and the family functions and cycle stage according to Duvall. Also, genogram, ecomap, the family circle, APGAR, and Zarit test were all obtained. A diagnosis of family negligence was concluded. Then, an attention plan was designed with objectives for the short, medium, and long terms. The assessment of structure, process, and result was carried out, and short term result indicators were analyzed. Conclusions: the nursing process was successfully applied on a family achieving the planned objectives, thus showing its potential for other studies with families.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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