Tratamiento de úlcera por presión grado IV con cierre asistido por vacío
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The ulcers by pressure are injuries produced by tension on the skin remaining long periods in a single position; this wounds represents an important problem by the impact on the health and the quality of life. The prevention and treatment of these ulcers involve nurses, doctors and surgeons, family and the patient’s cooperation during its recovery. At the moment, for the treatment of the ulcers degree III and IV the Vacuum Assisted Closure (VAC) is used like a system that favors the healing of the wounds. This article describes the case of a patient who had an ulcer by pressure degree IV, with system VAC, during 12 weeks until before that the surgical closing, when he was in favorable clinical conditions. The VAC show its effectiveness accelerating the process of granulation, with important diminish the size of the injury, besides to close the wound, its control and avoid infection, allowed to withdraw early to the patient since a portable system was used with which it was obtained that it returned to his daily activities.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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