Salud mental del adulto mayor de Poza Rica de Hidalgo; Veracruz; México.

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A.R. Barrios-Melchor
C. Hernández-Guzmán
L.E. Urbina-Sánchez


Introduction: During last the 50 years the diminution of the natality and world-wide mortality have been one of the factors that have lead progressively to the population aging. In Mexico around 7% of the population this constituted by people majors of 65 years; Objective: to value the mental state of the greater adult of Poza Rica de Hidalgo; Veracruz Mexico; was used an instrument with sociodemografics variables and test of mental valuation of Pfeiffer who consists of 10 questions on direction; memory and I calculate simple. Which describes the correct and incorrect answers like; having the following criteria: 0-2 errors intellectual function Integra; 3-4 errors light intellectual deterioration; 5-7 errors moderate intellectual deterioration; 8-10 errors severe intellectual deterioration? Results: 111 greater adults; 56 (50; 5%) women participated; and 55 (49; 5%) men; with an average of age of 71 years and standard deviation of 6. One was that 16% of the studied population presented/displayed some degree of intellectual deterioration. Conclusions: the variables in study were related to the mental state; were important; it can cause lines of development in the tie intersectorial policies to the mental health; also the preventive actions could be focused to this vulnerable group; specific and but organized problems.

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Author Biographies

A.R. Barrios-Melchor, Facultad de Enfermería , Universidad Veracruzana, Poza Rica Veracruz, México

Maestra de tiempo completo de La Facultad de Enfermeria de La Universidad Veracruzana zona Poza Rica Veracruz

C. Hernández-Guzmán, Facultad de Enfermería , Universidad Veracruzana, Poza Rica Veracruz, México

Maestra de tiempo completo de La Facultad de Enfermeria de La Universidad Veracruzana zona Poza Rica Veracruz