Nursing care in the body of the person with cancer

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M.P. Sosa-Rosas
F.M Luna-Victoria


Introduction: Cancer is one of the illnesses which provoke more deaths in the population in a world level. This illness it affects not only the body, subject-object which we the nursing professionals care and which low is what we have reflected on, but also the psychology and spirit of the person.

Objective: To initiate a philosophical reflection on the body of the person with cancer.

Development : It is necessary to engage into the different concepts of the body so that it is comprehended from the philosophical point of view that the body is a subject which requires company during its care, from the comprehension of the functioning of that different body, result of the treatments used for its healing, because it is not easy to accompany a mutilated body due to a surgical treatment, to understand that it was a treatment to save its life, but it affects the daily activities which are the engine of the human being.

Conclusion: Nursing is a corner Stone during the treatment of the persons with cancer, because this process gives to the emergence of a different person but willing to continue existing, independently of the transformations of the body and its relation to the environment.

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