A phenomenological look at nursing care

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S. Rodríguez-Jiménez
M. Cárdenas-Jiménez
A.L. Pacheco-Arce
M. Ramírez-Pérez


The first stage of the research study: “El arte del cuidado enfermero desde la visión de sus profesionales en la dimensión estética” (The art of nursing care in the aesthetic dimension from the point of view of its professionals) was an insight into the state of knowledge of the nursing care in three aspects: aesthetics, care, and art. This work provides support to the second aspect in the light of contemporary philosophy and phenomenology, where care is present and is inherent to human condition and existence. Caring for oneself and for others is an ethical, aesthetic, and ontological act which drives the development of the person being care for, and the care provider towards the search for wellbeing in the life-death process. The nurse dimensions care as a therapeutic power for the patient and others, and promotes a hope to exist and achieve autonomy.

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