The burnout syndrome and its relationship with the nursing quality of work life

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J. Bautista-García
L. Hinojosa-García
J.A. Guerra-Ordoñez
P. García-García
A.A. Jiménez-Martínez


Introduction: The burnout syndrome is, in part, the result of the wasting levels caused by the stress derived from excessive work demands. This syndrome is characterized by emotional exhaustion, despersonalization, lack of interest on the job, low levels of personal satisfaction, and inefficacy. Burnout can negatively influence the health, performance, and behavior of healthcare professionals.

Objective: To identify the relationship between the burnout syndrome and the quality of work life among the nursing personnel.

Methodology: This is a qualitative and correlational study. The sample was constituted by 149 professionals. The instruments used were: Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey y Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo. Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated. The Spearman correlation coefficient was also calculated.

Results: 77.9% of the participants reported having a low level of burnout. About 41.6% of the sample obtained middle scores regarding the quality of work life. A negative and significant relationship between the burnout syndrome and the quality of work life was identified (rs= −0.365, p <0.001).

Discussion and Conclusions: These results could be associated to the presence of effective relations among the members of the health teams, as well as a good working environment. The findings suggest that these factors can reduce stressing situations and thus be protective against burnout. Future interventions should be aimed at identifying stressing situations in the working context.

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