Social aspects, work overload, and quality of life among mothers of children with microcephaly

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D.B. Conceição-Santos
L.C. Costa-Cardoso
A.P. Barbosa-Torales
S. Oliveira-Lima
C.C. Cunha-Oliveira



Introduction: Taking care of children with microcephaly is a great challenge for their care providers because of the associated social vulnerability, work overload, and loss of quality of life.

Objective: To analyze the associations related to the social aspects, the quality of life, and the work overload among care providing mothers of children with microcephaly.

Methodology: This is a transversal study with 105 participants. Social and demographic questionnaires and WHOQOL-BREF were used. ANOVA tests, Student’s t-test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were calculated.

Results: 65.7 % were of mixed ethnicity; 88.6 % were unemployed; 76.2 % were dependent on Social Welfare; 50.5 % had a low level of education; and 90.5 % were financially insufficient. The social domain average was considered low (51.11). An association was found between social benefits and quality of life (p= 0.046). 39 % of these mothers suffer from severe work overload while 30.4 % suffer from intense work overload. An association was found between the levels of work overload and ethnicity (p= 0.027), occupation (p= 0.043), and transportation means (p <0.0001). Work overload had a negative impact on the quality of life (r= -.463, p <0.0001), the perception of quality of life (r= -.476, p= <0.0001), and total quality of life (r= -.576, p= <0.0010).

Conclusions: These care providing mothers suffer work overload with an associated loss of quality of life. Social aspects have a direct influence and can increase work overload. Nursing professionals have a fundamental role in the creation and implementation of attention initiatives aimed at promoting health and relief to this kind of care providing mothers.

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