Older Adult with transtrochanteric fracture. Nursing process based on Virginia Henderson

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Z.L. Rodríguez-Hernández
M. Pantoja-Herrera
A.L. Carrillo-Cervantes
L.V. Ruiz-Jasso


Introduction: The increase in the older population implies higher health risks such as falls and possibly hip fractures. Consequently, the nursing process is essential in the specialized and integral attention of these persons.

Objective: To provide integral care based on the nursing process to an older adult with a diagnosis of hip left transtrochanteric fracture being treated at a Traumatology Service.

Methodology: The nursing process was implemented based on the basic needs assessment of Virginia Henderson using the data of the electronic clinical record. The priority procedures were established under the intervention plans and expected outcomes with the use of the nursing taxonomy of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), and the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). The evolution of the older adult was assessed five days after the interventions.

Results: The basic need according to Virginia Henderson, food and drink, movement, rest and sleep, body cleanliness, and environment safety, were found to be altered. The following nursing diagnoses were identified: mobility deterioration, risk of falls, acute pain, and infection risk. The corresponding nursing intervention and care plan was designed to address the relief of pain, the improvement of mobility, the increase in activity and exercise, and the prevention of falls and infection.

Conclusion: Though the nursing process, important visible improvements were achieved regarding the altered needs of this older adult.

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