Design and validation of didactic materials for a nursing educational intervention to primary caregivers
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Introduction: Caregivers are persons who themselves also need care, and there is few evidence regarding the validation of educational materials for caregivers of adult home care.
Objective: To design and validate supporting didactic materials for a nursing educational intervention proposal in order to improve self-care among primary caregivers attending patients with non-transmissible chronic illnesses.
Materials and Methods: This is a validating research study using 10 educational materials which were assessed by 4 field experts and 10 primary caregivers. The research study was developed in four stages: a) assessment of the health needs and determination of the contents for the education materials, b) elaboration of the education materials, c) technical validation, d) assessment on the use in a population. Features of attractiveness, comprehension, involvement, and acceptance were estimated using a dichotomous questionnaire of 8 questions for each educational material. The Aiken V coefficient of approval was calculated. Values greater than 0.7 were considered as valid results.
Results: In the first round of assessment by the experts, three educational materials were modified due to their low coefficient of comprehension-attractiveness and one education material was redesigned. The subsequent version of the education materials showed coefficients higher than 0.81, however, caregivers gave two materials scores below the standard, and these materials were further redesigned.
Discussion: The recommendations from the experts in the field, along with the interests of the primary caregivers, were the base to improve the design of the didactic materials.
Conclusions: After adjusting elements related to the attractiveness and comprehension of the didactic materials, it was concluded that the redesigned materials were adequate for an educational intervention aimed at improving self-care among primary caregivers.
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- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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