Lifestyle and inflammation profiles among persons with rheumatoid arthritis
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Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic-degenerative autoimmune illness whose control depends on medications and environmental factors, in particular the lifestyles.
Objective: To determine the profiles of lifestyles among persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and their related illness severity.
Methodology: This is a descriptive, transversal, and correlational study on adults with rheumatoid arthritis. After obtaining their corresponding informed consents, the Disease Activity Score of 28 joints test, and Nola J. Pender’s Lifestyles Profile Questionnaire were given. SPSS version 22 was used to determine descriptive statistics with Spearman correlations.
Results: 110 individuals were assessed, the global average of lifestyle scores was suggesting a healthy general profile, physical activity was found to be the most affected (85.5%). No correlation between the illness activity and the lifestyle was found.
Discussion: There are few analogous studies and their results have been diverse. Therefore, it is important to continue analyzing the characteristics of lifestyles that can help reduce rheumatoid arthritis related inflammation in these patients.
Conclusions: No correlation was found between the two studied variables; therefore, a lifestyle change does not necessarily imply a reduction in the level of inflammation.
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