Postsurgical Nursing Attention on a patient who underwent aneurysm clipping

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J.K. Castillo-Garcia
E. García-Rosas
S. Cheverría-Rivera


Introduction: It is well acknowledged that nursing staff have the greatest interaction with patients and thus, nurses need to have sufficient knowledge and experience to identify the diverse needs, for example of those patients suffering from cerebrovascular disease. This condition can be a consequence of a ruptured aneurysm, which can in turn lead the patient to a critical status jeopardizing the financial equilibrium of his/her family and the health system.

Methods: The nursing process stages were developed during the postsurgical period of a patient who underwent an aneurysm clipping. The Gordon’s functional health patterns model was used to collect data, in addition to the NANDA/NIC/NOC taxonomy.

Results: Care plans derived from the nursing intervention were presented, as well as the related assessment in terms of the structure, process, and results dimensions.

Discussion/Conclusion: The CVE secondary to the rupture of an aneurysm is a serious and devastating situation for the patient, his/her family, and the health system, therefore, an adequate related nursing attention becomes of the most importance.

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