Diagnostic self-assessment in nursing

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G. González-Juárez


Introduction: The assessment of nursing education at the National School of Nursing and Obstetrics has reflected diverse efforts from institutional projects. After two decades of experiences, it becomes necessary to carry out a diagnosis which can identify strengths and weaknesses related to three major components: study plans, teaching, and evaluation of students by means of exams.

Objective: To implement a collegiate self-assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses related to the study plans, the teaching process, and the given exams, to estimate the school performance of students within the in-situ system.

Method: This is an exploratory study with non-probabilistic sampling. There were 27 participants, 25 female and 2 male, all full-time professors, 4 for each one of the groups and its evaluation objects, and 2 plenary sessions, one at the beginning and the other at the end. A structured self-assessment was designed following the Context, Supply, Process and Product Model for each object of assessment (study plan, teaching, and exams).

Results: In the three components, the highest average concerns the difficulties of the institutional results, while the greatest strength were on the study plans, and the weaknesses were on the low impact of the exams.

Conclusions: Education assessment in nursing follows a unilateral model which limits the quality and decision making. In order to improve the undergraduate programs, it is necessary to include other corresponding actors and stakeholders.

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