Critical discourse analysis in health research

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E. Urra-Medina
S. Sandoval-Barrientos


The analysts of the critical discourse refer language as being a social practice. This implies a dialectic relationship between a discursive event in particular, and the situations, institutions, and social structures framing it. Thus, the discourse is socially constituted and conditioned, and from this perspective, ideology and power become part of the conditioned language in terms of what can be said and what cannot. The analysis of the critical discourse, in particular that of N. Fairclough with its theoretical-methodological 3-D model, can support researchers to revealing the relationships of power and dominion in the dialectic dynamics among discursive events in a health phenomenon with social problematic.

Objective: This article of narrative review addresses the critical analysis of the discourse, highlighting its most important characteristics. The review is focused on the Norman Fairclough’s 3-D model, detailing its methodology and descriptive, interpretative, and social analysis development through some examples related to the area of health.

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