Estimación de la talla; adaptando la técnica de medición altura talón-rodilla con regla y escuadra

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M.L.I. Sierra-Torrescano


The nutricional assessment require of the height; which is the more frecuency anthropometric indicator used. In some cases the major adult’s height is difficult to determine; that’s why the estimation using other body’s segment as height heel-knee might be very useful for the nurse staff. Objetive: To estimate the major adult’s height using the measurement of the height heel-knee with ruler and square versus the real height measurement with stadiometer. Metodology: A descriptive exploratory study was realized in a mayor adult sample; of a suburban community; to wich them were inquiryied the age was registered; that is indicate that it’ll be serving of inclusion criterion as part of height estimation data. There were realized the weight minimal anthropometric; stadiometer height determinity and it was adapted with ruler and square technique; the height heel-knee; the weight was obtained to have the Body Mass Index (BMI). The height has estimated using Chumlea’s (1985) unfolding equations. Results: Of 59 mayor adults; 42 were women and 17 were men; in age relation; the mean was 72 years; that’s indicate in question about relativing “young” mayer adults population; accord of Geriatry criterion and 99 years at the most limit. In regard to weight ranges found; there is form 36.9 Kg as minimum limit to 84 Kg. as the most limit; the mean found was 62.6 Kg and the most frecuency was 63 Kg. in 3 individuals. The technique of measurement with a rule and square adapted and it was found more stadistic correlation in the height estimation using the heel-knee in men; using the Chumlea equations.

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Author Biography

M.L.I. Sierra-Torrescano, Escuela Nacional de Enfermería y Obstetricia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D.F. México

Profesor de carrera Asociado B; ENEO UNAM