Being a health agent and the humanitarian care. Contributing to its transformation

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S. Salas-Segura
R.A. Zárate
R. Chávez-Domínguez


The humanitarian care is an act, the being who may evolve and transformed into a quality unit for everybody’s health care. Requires attention, good care, and not to lose the sense of positive value. Must reconcile theory and practice which is not so simple, it is rather complex.

We propose to address the Relationship of Health Agent - Patient to a universal approach consistent with the changing nature. The epistemological approach points out the positive sense. The history accumulated knowledge cannot fail at the present time. The answer is integration, to combine formal sciences with social and human, as well as technology. The cultural support is vital for education and is part of it, calls for the build the new paradigm. To invoke it is sufficient to avoid ineffectiveness. The preventive act is at all levels, whether in hospital, school, community, home and the entire community. The future nursing, with the care models, should contribute to shift from the reductionist care to the humanitarian care.

Let us reinforce the Health Agent performance and guide it towards a Humanitarian Care. The issue analyzes the care knowledge and is of every health server concern.

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