Nursing attention process in a Fournier gangrene patient

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S. Mondragón-Gómez
J. Jiménez-Utrilla


Fournier gangrene is a complex, not common, but potentially fatal necrotizing infection which was first described by Baurienne in 1764, and later by J. A. Fournier in 1883 as a gangrenous process of unknown etiology. It has been named also as idiopathic gangrene, gangrenous erysipelas, and scrotum streptococcal gangrene. It is both a male and female pathology with a high mortality rate, especially among patients over 40 years old with predisposing factors such as diabetes mellitus and chronic alcoholism. Its incidence is 1 in 7 500 cases. It is characterized by a sudden necrotizing infection of the soft tissues of the genital and peri-rectal areas, which progressively compromises other surrounding tissues.

The nursing staff in the development of their caring role and solve human needs of patients have a right to use a proprietary methodology as the Nursing Care Process (SAP), and the implementation of the Nursing Care Plan (PLACE by its Spanish initials), as organized, systematic approach to provide individualized, holistic care, this provides a guideline that uses the skills, knowledge and abilities. Objective: To identify human needs of a patient affected with Fournier’s gangrene through the assessment of functional patterns and improve the quality of care using the taxonomy NANDA, NOC, NIC.

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