Effects of the sexual education intervention Soy capaz for teacher empowerment

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Y. Vera-Alanis
M.G. Moreno-Monsiváis


Introduction: In Mexico, sexual education provided by teachers is limited to offering information on biological and reproductive aspects without considering psychological elements. Teachers feel insecure, incapable, and embarrassed when addressing the topic.

Objective: To identify the effects of an educational intervention aimed at secondary school teachers on topics such as STIs, HIV, pregnancy, self-efficacy, and skills for sexual education.

Methods: Pre-experimental intervention in a single group. Snowball sampling technique with three measurements. Four educational sessions were held over two weeks. Data collection used the Knowledge of AIDS and STIs instrument, as well as the Sexual Education in Schools questionnaire. For statistical analysis, the Wilcoxon test was used to compare two measurements, and the Friedman test was used to analyze statistical differences.

Results: 28 teachers participated. After completing the educational sessions, an increase in knowledge about STIs, HIV, and pregnancy was evident (X2 = 19.56, p ≤ 0.001). Self-efficacy (X2 = 9.50, p ≤ 0.009) and skills for delivering sexual education (X2 = 7.80, p ≤ 0.020) also improved.

Discussion: Compared to other programs, the Soy capaz intervention achieved additional impact by significantly increasing teachers’ confidence, competence, and security in addressing sexuality topics.

Conclusions: After the educational intervention, teachers reported greater self-efficacy in delivering sexuality topics, answering questions, and preventing risky sexual behaviors. Soy capaz is a promising model for future interventions in this field.

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