COVID-19 hospitalized patients healthcare strategies: A systematic review

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C. González-Nahuelquin
M. Palma-Morales
S. Plaza-Acosta
A. Ruminot-Gana
S. Vial-Vilugrón
H. Gálvez-Villalobos
N. González-Sanzana


Introduction: The SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic led to the restructuring of nursing healthcare and other sanitary services. Therefore, it is necessary to design healthcare strategies which can strengthen the nursing tasks during a sanitary crisis.

Objective: To prevent and address possible complications, to identify healthcare strategies which can be implemented on persons with COVID-19.

Methodology: This is a systematic review. The WOS, Scopus, CINAHL and BVS databases were consulted. The searching terms were: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Nursing care, Tertiary Care Center, Primary Health Care, Nurse, and Nursing. The Boolean operators AND and NOT were used. The titles and abstracts of the articles were reviewed, and a critical reading was performed using the CASPe guides.

Results: 20 articles were selected; 40 % were original research, 20 % were articles of review, and about 30 % were others types of documents. The analysis allowed the identification of the following categories related to the healthcare strategies: visible care (basic and special); invisible care (feelings, communications, and attitudes), and structural changes (infrastructure and hospital management).

Conclusions: Diverse strategies have demonstrated being effective in the prevention of COVID-19 associated complications during the acute face of the illness. Moreover, the three categories found in this study have also been described during the pandemic. Nevertheless, invisible care attracts attention, where feelings, communication and attitudes are intangible aspects that are difficult to evaluate.

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