The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health

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S. Morales-Chainé


The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the causing agent of COVID-19, began at the end of the year 2019 in the city of Hubei, China. At the moment of this edition, worldwide there were more than 176,480,226 persons diagnosed with the illness and 3,825,240 deaths. In Mexico, a Case Fatality Rate of 9.4% has been reported. 

Diverse systematic reviews and meta-analyses within the literature have suggested the existence of another pandemic running in parallel to the COVID-19 pandemic: the mental health risks associated with the new living conditions as well as to the increase in the use of psychoactive substances. According to The Lancet, since the middle of the year 2020, 17% of 116 countries had referred to the need to address these mental health risks associated with the developing COVID-19 pandemic.

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