Factors associated to the use of PPE in the intra-hospital context during the COVID-19 pandemic

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M.B. Espinoza-Fernández
N. Godoy-Alarcón
M. Mondaca-Baeza
M.I. Johnson-Castro
C. Ruiz-Tagle Pérez


Introduction: Within the present context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare settings established diverse protocols of attention aimed at preventing contagion among patients and healthcare providers. One of the main protection measures was the use of personal protection equipment (PPE). The evidence suggests that there are personal and institutional factors which have an influence on the utilization of PPE. 

Objective: To determine personal, labor related, and sanitary related context factors which have an influence on the use of PPE among healthcare providers and patients. Methods: This is a quantitative correlational study. The inclusion requirement was being members of nursing teams working in direct attention with COVID-19 hospitalized patients. The sampling was non probabilistic and by quota. Descriptive and correlational statistics were calculated. Also, a linear regression on the data was carried out. 

Results: 154 healthcare providers participated in the study. 78 % of them were nursing professionals. The factors Knowledge (r= 0.22; p= <0.001) and Availability of PPE (r= 0.25; p= <0.001) were found to increase the use of PPE.

Discussion: Although Knowledge and Availability were found to be promoting factors to the use of PPE, at the same time, it is important to realize that the prolonged use of PPE by healthcare professionals could reduce the use of these equipments.

Conclusions: The findings of this study can help the process of decision making on the implementation of activities regarding the training, supervision, and psychological support to the healthcare professionals who are at risk of contagion, as well as on the management of resources of protection such as the PPE.

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