Risk perception and experiences of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic: stories of Mexican adolescents

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T. Colmenares-Roa
C.G. Nava-Razo


Introduction: Risk perception and the experiences of social isolation due to COVID-19 are different for adolescents than for adults.

Objective: Describe and analyze risk perception and experiences with social isolation of adolescents from a marginalized municipality with high contagion levels.

Methods: Qualitative study that implemented semi-structured written interviews with open-ended questions, conducted via email. Topics: knowledge about the virus, protective measures, high risk activities, experience of isolation. Thematic analysis, triangulation and interpretation were carried out from the perspectives of medical anthropology and psychology.

Results: There were 16 participants (14 to 18 years old). They have biomedical knowledge about the virus, symptoms, and contagion, that follow instructions for self-care and at home; everyone, including themselves, is at risk, especially vulnerable people and highly exposed. Taking care of oneself is a personal and social responsibility; participants stigmatize their peers and their own community that does not take care of itself. They express boredom, stress, and annoyance due to isolation.

Discussion: Young people have a high perception of risk, socially constructed through their interactions, and generated by context of marginality, vulnerability, and risk. They adhere to their family’s risk perception and not their peers. They have negative emotional responses, and they lack strategies to cope with isolation and the alteration of their daily lives; school is stressful.

Conclusions: Risk perception of COVID-19 among young people is a process and a social construct within a specific social context. The intense psychological experience of social isolation is related to young people’s need for socialization.

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