Lived experiences during the provision of healthcare to homeless persons

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A. Rodríguez-Flores
A. Ruiz-Vallejo
J. Barrientos-Escalante
M. Alonzo-Zamora
M. Montañez-Esqueda
R. Altamira-Camacho


Introduction: Nursing has made crucial contributions to the provision of healthcare to vulnerable persons, for example those who are homeless and suffer multiple limitations including a lack of basic support and assistance services and who experience adverse feelings such as senses of not belonging.

Objective: To reveal the lived experiences around the provision of healthcare to homeless persons.

Method: This is a hermeneutic phenomenological study based on Heidegger's principles. Eligible participants were identified through a reference chain sampling. Data were collected through phenomenological interviews which were later recorded and transcribed using Jefferson's method. The analysis of the information was carried out as a handcraft process.

Results: The participants were five homeless males between 19 and 50 years old living in a public urban shelter. The healthcare experience was lived as three ontological units: Healthcare in the shortage of resources of homeless persons; Centers of in-rehabilitation; and Surviving to not having a home. And this healthcare experience was also lived as two ontic units: Uncertainty regarding the future of homeless persons; and Final hope, faith, and religion.

Discussion: Surving in the subhuman conditions of being homeless has multiple negative impacts on health. Therefore, nursing professionals have the opportunity to design and implement interventions which can support the provision of healthcare to these needed persons.

Conclusions: Based on the life trajectory of homeless persons, nursing professionals can implement emancipating actions aimed at providing an individualized and integral attention.

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