Sense of coherence in the face of chronic illnesses: an integrative review

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M. Cossetin-Costa
M.F. Mantovani
F. Moura-D’Almeida-Miranda
R.G. Paes
V. Piccinin-Paz
T. Nunes-de Souza


Introduction: The Sense of Conherence (SOC) is a component of the Salutogenic Model which allows an understanding of how persons perceive their lives and respond to stressful situations, for example to suffering from chronic illnesses. Therefore, being familiar with the SOC can help in the planning of the related healthcare.

Objective: To analyze the applicability of the SOC construct as a tool in the nursing care which is provided to adults with non-communicable chronic illnesses.

Method: This is an integrative review. The bibliographic search was conducted during September 2019 on the databases of BVS, CINAHL, PubMed and Scopus using the terms “sense of coherence” AND “nursing” AND “chronic disease”. Articles published between 2014 and 2019 were included in the review. These articles were also classified based on the level of evidence suggested by Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine.

Results: 325 articles were identified. Twenty one of them met the inclusion criteria by being quantitative and by using the Antonovsky quationnaire. These studies demonstrated that having a high SOC can help chronically ill persons relieve their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Discussion: Along with the education and the proper illness management, the SOC is also central to the maintenance of health.

Conclusion: The SOC is directly related to the search and maintenance of health. Therefore, this construct can be an important tool in nursing healthcare. 

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