Evaluación interna y externa de la Revista Enfermería Universitaria de la eneo-unam durante el período 2004-2006.

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L. Balseiro-Almario
M.A. Torres-Laguna
R.A. Zárate-Grajales


Objective:The purpose of this research was to analyze the internal and external evaluation of the college of nursing journal ENEO-UNAM in the period of 2004-2006, to assess the scientific and publishing the magazine. 

Methodology: The identify the variables are as follow; productivity, stability and obsolescence of editorial quality and infrastructure. Each of these  dimensions was measured with their indicators. Based on each of these indicators were the questions related to the questionnaires. The type of research was descriptive. analytical, retrospective , longitudinal and cutting quantity. The design was not experimental.the questionnaires were used in three types guide to indicators of the 9 copies of the megazine and two questionnaires for external evaluation,one of them and to the authors and to readers. The implementation of the questionnaires was for 50 to authors and 116 to readers. The research was conducted in 2007. 

Results:  In the internal evaluation, the 90.5% of the perpetrators was nurses in teaching and research. Of the readers 98 %in nursing administration, teaching and research. In terms of scientific quality 70-81% of the readers and authors are said that the megazine is a primary means of communication for nursing that brings relevant information. In connection with the editorial quality between 75-85% of the readers and authors indicated that the items are evaluated by peers, locally arbitrated on an anonymous basis. Regarding the editorial   design, between 50 and 99%, design information is adequate but needs improvement. The gray scale and the font are appropriate, The spaces are sufficient. Of internal evaluation, 9 copies were published 80 articles in seven sections, mostly by faculty and students from the UNAM-ENEO and a minimum proportion by the authors from other universities and institutions of health of the country and abroad. 613 references were cited: 210 nurses and 403 other health professionals, the average number of citations per article was 7 per copy with a range of 3.9 to 10.4. The language in which it cited was predominantly Spanish, the style of developing are Vancouver. The magazine to his young age he was thinking of the communication link of nurses in the country, was published quarterly . Was founded in those years into a valuable resource for the development of knowledge of the discipline of Nursing in Mexico. 

Conclusions: The assessment carried out showed positive data. However, the megazine should be improved and strengthened is all its weaknesses to achieve scientific and editorial.



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